American Dream
personal development fable
No friends, two hundred hours of community service, and an obligation to attend ten sessions with a coach acting as a probation officer. David is definitely not happy about this. Why should he care about some random dude who pretends to know everything? David won’t tolerate this mistreatment and will sabotage it in every way possible. At least, that’s what he believes…
American Dream takes you on the journey of a young boy, mistreated by the world, who begins to understand that his life is his own responsibility. If he wants happiness, he’ll have to create it for himself.
Zpropadená fuška
Noir Gamebook
V mé kanceláři bylo tak mrtvo, že chcíply dokonce i mouchy. Snad za to mohly armády pavouků, které se roztahovaly v rozích pokoje, na dřezu i prasklé tabulce skla s nápisem „Soukromý detektiv“.
Nalil jsem si další sklenku whisky, hodil si nohy na stůl a posunul klobouk do čela. Vypadalo to na další „mrtvý“ den, tak proč se aspoň neožrat.
Pavučina na dveřích se napnula, praskla a dveře se s tichým zavrzáním otevřely. Dovnitř vstoupila lidská cihla…